Ed London

About Me

Recktangle is owned and run by Edward Lewis, a freelance online marketing consultant and web developer based in Nottingham, UK. Through building and marketing several of my own websites I understand the need for effective web design combined with a strong online marketing campaign.

The name Recktangle came from a reference in a book by Irvine Welsh. I liked the word, so I bought the domain and decided to use it as the name for my company.

At university I studied Business Management (BA Hons) and then MSc Marketing. Since graduating in 2006 I have worked for several web agencies based in the Midlands.

I started doing freelance search engine optimisation along side my full time job in 2007 and have slowly managed to increase my client base. Mid way through 2010 I was made redundant and since then I have been self employed.

I have been lucky to work with a very large range of clients, which has allowed me to gain experience and knowledge of different areas of online marketing. I can help you or your company with:

If you have a look through my site you can get more detailed information about how I can help you.

I primarily build websites in three open source content management systems:

The choice of which one your website is built in will be decided based on your requirements and plans for future development and functionality.

Google Analytics Installation

Some companies that I am currently, or have recently, worked with