Speed up website

Free Google Analytics Installation

Google offer a free service called Google Analytics that allows you to measure how people use your website. Although it sounds really technical, it's not.. All of the information is accessed online using a clear user interface. After a few minutes training you will be able to get the hang of things.

A lot of agencies or web developers will charge you for adding it to your site, but I will do it for free. All you have to do it copy and past a few lines of code.

All web analytics services allow you to replace the guesswork and answer a wide range of questions, such as:

Google Analytics allows you to capture all of this information along with hundreds of other metrics. All of these statistics should be monitored and used to help improve your website and online marketing.

What information do I need?

If you would like to have the Google Analytics added to your site then I will need:

If this sounds a bit confusing, let me know and I will be able to explain things in more detail.

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